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College of William and Mary


Students at the College of William and Mary have been working hard to educate their campus about the Bhopal disaster. Student organizers there have been talking with campus groups and their professors about the campaign, and one professor was so enthusiastic that he included the disaster as a major part of the curriculum in his class. William and Mary has also hosted a teach-in, led by Greenpeace's Jackie Downing, that dealt with the disaster, the campaign, and Dow's ongoing liability.

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Confrontation with Dow's CEO

The Bhopal organizers at William and Mary were ready when Michael Parker, Dow's CEO, came to town. He was at the campus to give a speech about Dow's 'sustainability' practices and its 'commitment' to the natural environment. Unfortunately he didn't expect Azita Ranjbar to be front and center at the presentation. After his speech during the Q&A session, Mr. Parker got a preliminary question from the back about Bhopal. He gave his usual "I feel your pain, it was awful, I remember where I was when Bhopal happened, oh . . . but we have no liabilities thankyouverymuch" shtich. Azita wasn't buying it, but Parker bought her sweet cherub smile and called on her next, expecting a soft question from the peanut gallery. Instead, he got the following (as retold by Azita):

Azita: Mr. Parker, the liabilties in Bhopal can't be 'over' when people are still being poisoned every day.

Parker: Well, I, uh, meant that our liabilites are over.

A: Call me foolish, but I didn't think that corporations, could just determine when and if their liabilities are over. That's why we have courts.

P: Um, yeah . . .

A: And you forgot to mention that your company is being sued in the Federal District Court of New York for contamination at the Bhopal site.

P: Well, we're actually trying to find a solution to this -- we are currently in negotiations with Bhopal survivors --

A: No you're not. You see, I'm with Greenpeace ---

P: (groan, face contorts)

A: And we've been trying to ask you for almost a year to sit down with Bhopal survivor organizations and talk about the problems in Bhopal. And we've sent you over 50,000 postcards, emails and faxes to remind you to do this!

P: Well, I --

A: And that's why I want to present you with this book (Dominique Lapierre's Five Past Midnight in Bhopal) so you can read how the people of Bhopal suffer while you drag your feet in dealing with your liabilties...

P: (Begrudgingly takes the book. Gives Azita the look of death)

Facilitator: Well, that's all the time we have today for questions for Mr. Parker. Thank you all for coming...

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The international student campaign to hold Dow accountable for Bhopal, and its other toxic legacies around the world.
For more information about the campaign, or for problems regarding this website, contact
Ryan Bodanyi, the Coordinator of Students for Bhopal.


"The year 2003 was a special year in the history of the campaign for justice in Bhopal. It was the year when student and youth supporters from at least 30 campuses in the US and India took action against Dow Chemical or in support of the demands of the Bhopal survivors. As we enter the 20th year of the unfolding Bhopal disaster, we can, with your support, convey to Dow Chemical that the fight for justice in Bhopal is getting stronger and will continue till justice is done. We look forward to your continued support and good wishes, and hope that our joint struggle will pave the way for a just world free of the abuse of corporate power."

Signed/ Rasheeda Bi, Champa Devi Shukla
Bhopal Gas Affected Women Stationery Employees Union
International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal

This is what the www.studentsforbhopal.org site looked like in early 2008. For more recent information, please visit www.bhopal.net.