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Is Dow at My School?
At the University of Cincinnati

Is Dow at YOUR school? If so, perhaps it’s time they were expelled! Dow has donated more than $60 million to schools across the country, and colleges and universities, in turn, have invested nearly $120 million in Dow. Dow also spends tens of millions of dollars on research every year at schools across the country (such as this Nebraska study, which actually involved students) and heavily recruits the brightest minds that schools and students have to offer. Frankly, our institutions of learning are a central strategic, reputational, and financial interest to Dow. This raises two interesting points:

By threatening Dow’s presence at schools across the country, we pose a major threat to Dow’s business interests. A similar student movement 30 years ago forced Dow to cave in to student demands.

Do we really want Dow – a company with a long and ugly history of chemical terror – associated with our institutions of learning? Should our schools be tarnished by Dow’s profiteering from human suffering and slaughter?

Find out if Dow is at your school by browsing the information below. If they are, spread the word – and then do something about it.

The Information We Have Researching Contributions from Dow
Before You Start Dow Research at Your School
General Research Guidelines Dow Recruitment On Campus
Researching Investments in Dow How to Use Your Research

Before You Start

Decide What You’re Looking For
What information are you looking for, and how might it be used? Make a list of research questions (prioritize it) and plan ahead.

Decide How to Proceed
..........How much time do I have to do the research? Set a timeline.
..........Who will know answers to my questions? Has the research already been done? Think creatively and broadly.
..........Who are my allies? Who will be willing to share research duties?
..........Make a realistic plan, and assign responsibility.
..........Do the research. Build relationships, cultivate sources, and document and confirm your findings. Be persistent - if you don't find it the first time, try another source, search term, or tactic.
..........Report back and assess your findings.

Public vs. Private
If you attend a public school or college, their records are open to public scrutiny. You have a right to ask for and receive any information. If you attend a private school or college, they are under no obligation to reveal anything. You have no right, even as a consumer of their education product, to find out anything about them, unless the information is available through their connection with a public agency of some sort. This isn’t to say that you can’t get the information – you can. You’ll just have to be a little more creative.

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General Research Guidelines

Open Records Requests
Your state has a law known either as a "Right-to-Know" Act or as an "Open Records" Law. This law should not be confused with the federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). While FOIA applies to federal institutions, your state's right to know laws will apply to everything run by your state, county or local governments, including state universities, community colleges and public grade schools. If you submit a request to a public institution, they’re legally required to provide the information (with certain exceptions). However you may be charged a copying fee, so it’s usually wise to request that you be contacted if the copying charges exceed a certain amount. Bear in mind that although a response is usually required within 10 business days, it may take up to a month to receive the information you’re looking for. Unfortunately, private institutions are not subject to open records laws, and you may find it impossible to use open records requests to get information about private schools or about donations made to public college foundations, which are private.

A sample Bhopal request is available here. Since Open Records laws vary from state to state, use this letter generator to draft your own request. Find out where to send an Open Records Request by going to your university’s website or calling the office of financial affairs/business administration or a similar office. It shouldn’t be too difficult.

Be Nice to Secretaries and Other Staff
Many of the people you'll be dealing with are secretaries. Secretaries are not your enemy and they can be very powerful friends. They may be low in the campus hierarchy, but they have access to lots of paperwork and documents that you may want.

Be Prepared to be Interrogated
No matter who you ask and no matter whether it's public information or not, nine times out of ten, you'll be asked a lot of questions. Be prepared to answer: “What are your names and how can I contact you?” “What do you want this information for? What do you plan to do with it?” “What group are you with? Are you with the newspaper?” “Is this for a class? Which one?”

It's best not to outright lie in response to these questions. If you lie and say it's for a class, you'll have to be ready to say which class and who the teacher is in case they ask. It's okay to be vague or exaggerate a bit, but outright lying may catch you really unprepared and can hurt you if you can't follow it up or if you get caught.

Administrators are generally savvy enough to know that you're not just doing this for no reason or out of simple academic curiosity. You can try to say that you’re not sure what you'll do with the information at this point or you can give some soft answers which only hint at the full range of what you might do with the info. Definitely don't be blunt and say that you're looking for any information you can use to attack the university with. It won't help!

Don't let the interrogation go deeper than you want it to go. Take advantage of pauses in the conversation to change the topic and ask questions of your own.

Put Requests in Writing
Especially at public schools. Start a paper trail. If you get denied information (no matter whether it's public information or not), ask that the denial be in writing and on letterhead. This paper trail will prove useful as you decide how to move forward.

Try requesting any information in digital form, if possible (sound like you're making it easy for them by allowing them to email it to you). This may work for lists of research grants, investments and, in rare cases, for contracts.

If nothing else works (particularly if you’re at a private college or university) you may want to try gathering the information you need with a sit-down interview. These should usually be saved until the end of your research – at this stage you’ll have a much clearer idea of what you still need to know, and how to find it out.

Prepare for your interviews: brush up on your jargon and background knowledge; work out three or four different ways in which you can squeeze out the information you require, and anticipate possible responses. Decide beforehand whether you're going to leave your source friendly or hostile to you after the interview.

Bear in mind that schools contain many people. If one is unhelpful, you can always try someone else, possibly with a different alias. Looking at the university’s website beforehand, or even talking to a receptionist, may give you an idea of how the university’s structured and with whom you’ll want to speak. Getting direct line numbers is always useful. On the other hand, if you ask two different people for the same information, they might both go to the same colleague for it. So be careful there.

Always document your interviews, including time, place, who you spoke to and their position, any alias you used, major points, important quotes.

In interviews, open-ended questions allow the subject to tell you more - you may get something unexpected. Throw in a few dummy questions to put your subject at ease and if necessary cover your real interests. Look for leads (eg other people) as well as answers. What the subject doesn't want to talk about may provide interesting leads.

Your University

It’s up to you whether you tell your source who you really are. That may lead to them seeing you as an enemy and not helping. If you tell them you’re someone else, adopt an identity of someone they actively want to talk to (i.e. it’s in their interests) – a potential customer, client, supplier, employee, journalist, local historian etc. It often helps to flatter the school or the person you’re talking to, to make them feel at ease and relaxed. And give them an opportunity to boast (e.g "I know that the University of the Tasty Rutabaga receives lots of money from leading corporations…” “Yes we do! Why, we just received a check for $50,000 from Dow last week!”

Generally it’s easier to be someone of low rank – this is less threatening, and gives you an excuse for not knowing the answer to all their questions ("I’ll have to ask my boss / client"). If you can throw in chatty comments, that helps too ("sorry about my voice, I’ve got this throat bug", "I can’t find my notes, our office is just being re-decorated", "when I took my daughter to school this morning…", etc). Occasionally you might find it useful to be more authoritative and confident, and semi-intimidate your interviewee into helping you.

When using an alias, try to keep a grain of truth in it, so that you can talk about yourself if pushed. It's probably worth keeping a note of who you are somewhere - forgetting your own name, for instance, can be highly embarrassing! If you're meeting subjects in person, remember that people tend to be remembered by their most prominent features (e.g. "oh yeah - the guy with the red hair / round glasses / lapel badge / stammer"). You should therefore cover any memorable features of yourself, and create some that you don't usually have. If you normally smoke, don't. If you don't wear glasses, do, etc.

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Researching Investments in Dow

If you’re at a college or university, your school most likely has a heap of money (called an endowment) that it invests in the stock market to make extra money for the school (it may also invest a substantial amount through its pension fund). Your school probably invests in hundreds or thousands of corporations, one of which may be Dow.

What to find out
..........Does your school own shares in Dow through its endowment, pension fund, or otherwise? If so, how many, and what’s their approximate value?
..........What’s the overall size of your school’s endowment in comparison? With this information, you should be able to figure out the percentage that your school invests in Dow (it’s probably very small).
..........Who establishes investment policies at your school? Who makes specific investment decisions?
..........Some schools have a policy of investing based only on fiduciary concerns (a.k.a. only money matters). Since the 1980s, when many schools divested from Apartheid, some schools have adopted social criteria for investing their funds. Are any social or environmental screens applied to your school's investments? If so, what are they?
..........Does the school have a policy for voting on (or even co-filing) social or environmental shareholder proposals?

How to find out?
If your school is public, you should be able to find out most of not all of what you’re looking for by filing an Open Records Request. One catch: some public universities have private non-profit foundations, like "Foundation for Blah University" or "Blah University Foundation," which are separate entities from the school itself and handle some or all of the school's investments. This means that, even though it might be for a public school, the information is private and they have no obligation to tell you.

If your school is private, you may have to be a little more creative. A good place to start is in your school's administration building. Once you're there, look to see if there’s a financial office other than the type of office that would deal with student stuff (i.e. not your student loan office and not where you pay tuition).

If you can't figure it out easily, stop in any office and do this:
..........Be confident, calm and very polite. Dress a little nicer than usual.
..........Tell the person you see that you're trying to find the office that deals with the university's investments.
..........After one or two references, you should be in the right place.

You'll probably need to ask a secretary your question first. Ask if this is the office that has a list of university investments, and who is the right person to ask for a copy of it. Generally, someone will appear from an office tucked away behind the secretary and will grant you a few minutes of their time. Sometimes, you'll be told that the person you need to speak to is out of town, in a meeting or otherwise unavailable. If so, find out exactly when would be a good time for you to come back and find this person. You may be given a chance to set up a meeting with this person; if so, take it.

If you get to speak to someone who knows about investments, you'll have to explain what you're looking for. Here's what you can say:
.........."Hi. We're interested in getting a copy of the school's investments." Or:
.........."Could you please explain how the university’s endowment is invested in corporations, bonds and mutual funds?"
Note: This is an okay time to act a bit ignorant. If you're too confident here, they'll be even more suspicious. Also, it’s wise to give them a chance to feel the need to teach you how things work. You'll want to have them teach you as much as they can, so you can learn the system. Take notes and ask as many questions as you feel comfortable asking.

What NOT to do: Don't confuse the school investing in corporations with "investing in the school." Nearly all schools are non-profit and it's not possible to "invest in the school." If you act as though you're asking how to invest in the school, they'll think you're bat crazy.

Expect to be interrogated a bit and handle this as best you can. If your school has a money manager like a bank investing on their behalf, or if they’re invested through a mutual fund, they may claim that they don't know what they're invested in. Although it’s true that their investments are always changing, they can find out what they are if they want to and they can provide a "snapshot." Penn State University, after pressure from students, agreed this past year to start releasing a "snapshot" of their investments each summer. You can ask for something similar.

If that doesn’t work, there are other avenues that you should look into. Most investments are overseen by of the President’s office and the Board of Trustees. Going into their section of your school’s website will probably shed some light on how the investments are handled. It will be relatively easy to get information that has already been processed for distribution to alumni, current and prospective students, parents, local governments and others. However it may be challenging to obtain fully sufficient answers to the range of questions you are asking. It will require an investigative spirit, along with much time and patience! You or other members of your group or coalition may need to seek out and talk with a range of college officials.

You may also find that your university library is a valuable source of information. Explain to your reference librarian the sort of information that you’re looking for and ask for their suggestions and advice.

If You Get the Information
Congratulations! Share it with us, and if you need help deciphering what it means, feel free to ask and we’ll be happy to help. Once you have the information and you know what it means, you can decide what to do next.

If You Don’t Get the Information
If someone at the school refuses to give you the investment portfolio, then try to talk with some faculty members who will support what you're doing. Ask these faculty members for help in securing the portfolio. Get your school and community newspaper involved and let them know that the school is refusing to allow students to view the portfolio: "maybe they have something to hide." Get the Student Government and Faculty Senate to pass resolutions in favor of an investment disclosure policy. Garner as much support as you can, and try again.

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Researching Contributions from Dow

Dow buys influence at schools across the country by funding buildings, renovations, endowed professorships, programs, science centers, scholarships, research, lecture series, conferences, and by making at-large grants to schools and individual departments. Sometimes Dow participates in advisory boards that may help oversee such things as faculty hiring, student recruitment, curriculum content, and graduate research programs. Funding may come directly from the Dow Corporation, or may be channeled through the Dow Foundation or one of its subsidiaries. Dow typically funds engineering departments, business schools, and public health departments, but it may also fund environmental departments, risk assessment research, or technical training programs.

This buys influence

Has Dow bought influence at your school? If your school is public, you should be able to find out by filing an Open Records Request. One catch: some public universities have private non-profit foundations, like "Foundation for Blah University" or "Blah University Foundation," which are separate entities from the school itself and handle some or all of the contributions made to the school. This means that, even though you may attend a public institution, you may have to be a little more creative in your research.

One great source of information may be your own school’s website. It’s likely that you will find dozens, if not hundreds of pages that catalogue Dow’s associations with your college or university in detail. If Dow sponsors an event, they’ll often be thanked on the event’s webpage. Your university or a college department will probably also thank Dow for its at-large contributions in either a presidential report or a fiscal review. If Dow made a special donation to fund a building project or an endowed professorship, there may be a university press release available on the web that highlights the contribution.

Although it may seem like dreary work, it’s often very effective to scroll through university websites looking for connections. Most colleges and universities have a ‘search’ option that allows you to find matching pages on the university web. Sometimes the search box is even on the university homepage; if not, a link should appear. Try typing in “Dow Chemical”; ‘“Dow Chemical” AND contribution’ (or donation or grant); and ‘“Dow Chemical” AND Foundation.’ See what comes up and scroll through the pages!

One variant: your college or university most likely offers free access to Lexis Nexis for students. You may have to go through a library computer or enter a school ID. Lexis Nexis allows you to search years of media documentation - newspapers, news wires, etc. The Guided News Search provides options for selecting a preferred media type as well as searching for various terms throughout the articles. Students will usually want to select General, Business and University news.

When accepting Dow’s funding or announcing the establishment of a Dow chair, prominent college administrators will often announce that the contribution only furthers the intimate relationship that the college and the company already share. Such quotes are worth their weight in gold if you can find them, as they can demonstrate how closely related your college and Dow really are. You’ll most often find them featured in university press releases, which may be available on the web. If not, check your university’s News and Information Bureau.

You may also find that your university library is a valuable source of information. Explain to your reference librarian the sort of information that you’re looking for and ask for their suggestions and advice.

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Dow Research at Your School

If you’re at a medium- to large-sized university, chances are your school gets a good deal of money from research grants. Depending on what your school specializes in, these may include substantial research projects funded by Dow. The research itself may be for something good – though, knowing Dow, it’s more likely for something bad (students: here’s one example). In any case, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find out what research Dow’s funding at your school – once you know, you can make life difficult for Dow, and build on the pressure for them to accept responsibility for Bhopal.

So how do you find out? If your school is public, you should be able to get the information by filing an Open Records Request. If your school is private, as in so many things, you may have to be a little more creative.

Your Office of Sponsored Projects (or Grants and Contracts Office? So many names…) should maintain a yearly catalog of grants that lists the amount, principal investigator (the professor doing the research), title and sponsor of the project. This list should give you a general picture of corporate sponsored research at your university. Track down your school's office and ask for it. Caution: research contracts themselves often include 100 pages of irrelevant information, so it’s best to choose what you want carefully before becoming inundated with paper.

Another source of information is your school’s webpage. Search the site, be creative and follow the links. Also, surf the web pages of researchers, professors, and labs at your university. Most often the funding agency will be listed somewhere on the page. For quick searches use the "find" option on your browser by holding the “Control” and “F” keys at the same time.

If you’re lucky, your school may have a University/Industry Relations Office: a university office dedicated to linking researchers with industry! Check out their information and ask them for help.

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Dow Recruitment On Campus

Does Dow recruit on your campus? If you’re at a medium- to large-sized university, or if you’re known for your excellent programs in chemistry, engineering, business, or bullshit, it probably does. The question is: should it? At the very least you can make their life difficult by giving their potential employees the other side of the story – the story that they won’t be getting in the interview room.

The first place to look is your school’s Career Development Office (or something similar) which usually keeps track of all the recruitment interviews and events that take place on campus. Try asking – but if you want to find out, it’s best not to introduce yourself as a troublemaker. Instead, try posing as a chemist, an engineer, or someone else with a legitimate interest in working for Dow, and request a calendar of upcoming recruitment events. Later on, it might be interesting to know whether your school has any standards for admitting employers on campus (if it admits Dow, it probably doesn’t).

Larger colleges and universities often arrange several on-campus career fairs per semester, inviting students to mingle with prospective employers. Sometimes a special "corporate week" is reserved for large firms. These events include slideshows and question-and-answer sessions designed to persuade students to work for the company. These would be a good place to look for Dow, and possibly rain on their parade. Depending on your school, Dow may also arrange interviews through university departments, and it may be difficult to find out about these from a central source. Try asking around – but try not to arouse too much suspicion.

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How To Use Your Research

Now that you know whether Dow is associated with your university, you can decide what to do about it. Read through the Students for Bhopal campaigns and develop a plan for the coming year. One of the first steps in any plan will probably involve bringing your research to light, so prepare to go public by using your campus or local media.

You may also find it useful to compile everything into a one- or two-page factsheet. Be sure to cite your sources and organize associations into categories (here's an example). This factsheet can then be passed out at your events, publicized with your college newspaper, or presented to your university with petition signatures calling on the university to take action. Whatever it is that you decide to do, the information that you gather may prove to be a valuable justification and useful tool for the Bhopal organizing that you do on your campus.

Don't forget to share what you learn with Students for Bhopal!

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The Information We Have

The following information has been collected over the past two years by Students for Bhopal. In most cases, this information was obtained through the use of Open Records Requests (documentation available on request). It reveals that Dow has donated more than $60 million to schools across the country, and that colleges and universities, in turn, have invested nearly $120 million in Dow. Schools are listed alphabetically below. If you have additional information that should be added to this page, please contact Ryan.

University of Arizona
June 13, 2005

Given to School: $145,500
Investments: NO

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Arizona State University
April 20, 2005

Given to School: $105,500
Investments: NO

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Jackie Barton

Barnard College

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Boardmember Jackie Barton is a Trustee of Barnard College.

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University of California, Berkeley
October 21, 2003

Given to School: $4,335,811
..........College of Chemistry: $2.3 million
..........Chemistry-Chemical Engr.: $700,000
..........Lawrence Hall of Science: $512,000
..........NR: Insect Biology: $231,000
..........Forest Products Lab: $113,000
Investments: “As of June 30, 2005, the number of share holdings by the University of California in Dow Chemical Corporation was 2,161,841. The market value of those shares on that date was $96,266,779.73.”

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University of California, Davis
April 26, 2005

Given to School: $3,266,416.10
Investments: “As of June 30, 2005, the number of share holdings by the University of California in Dow Chemical Corporation was 2,161,841. The market value of those shares on that date was $96,266,779.73.”

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University of California, San Diego
October 13, 2005

Given to School: $95,932.00
Investments: “As of June 30, 2005, the number of share holdings by the University of California in Dow Chemical Corporation was 2,161,841. The market value of those shares on that date was $96,266,779.73.”

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University of California, Santa Cruz
November 1, 2005

Given to School: $178,205.00
Investments: “As of June 30, 2005, the number of share holdings by the University of California in Dow Chemical Corporation was 2,161,841. The market value of those shares on that date was $96,266,779.73.”

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Jackie Barton

California Institute of Technology

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Boardmember Jackie Barton is the Arthur and Marian Hanisch Memorial Professor of Chemistry at Caltech.

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Central Michigan University
May 26, 2005

Given to School: At least $7,570,000
Investments: At least 58 shares through A.G. Edwards portfolio, valued at $2591.86
Notes: In 1978 DOW's President withdrew money from CMU after Jane Fonda spoke there on economic democracy. "[It] will not be resumed until we are convinced our dollars are not expended in supporting those who would destroy us." CMU got the message. It's new "Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions" touts Dow even though Dow only gave $5 million; MI taxpayers gave $37.5 million.

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University of Charleston
December 10, 2005

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Chemical gave the former Union Carbide headquarters in South Charleston to the University of Charleston in December of 2005. The 11-floor facility is known as Building 82. It and an adjacent parcel of land that is also being donated were acquired by Midland-Mich.-based Dow with its 2001 purchase of Union Carbide. The gift has an estimated value of $7 million.

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University of Cincinnati
March 31, 2004

Given to School: $575,176.21
Investments: "...the University of Cincinatti's endowment pool owned 27,500 shares of Dow Chemical Corporation. The January 21st market value of shares owned totaled $1,153,625."

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Columbia University

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Chemical has funded the Engineering Program.

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Delta College
April 13, 2005

Given to School: $375,885
Investments: NO
Notes: In 2003 Delta received a $500,000 grant (split with Central Michigan University) from the Herbert H and Grace A Dow foundation, for government-mandated digital conversion of their Public Television Stations.

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Grand Valley State University
April 20, 2005

Given to School: $7368.34
Investments: NO

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Harvard University
June 30, 2006

Given to School: ???
Investments: 92,413 shares, worth approximately $3,559,748.
Notes: Harvard Center for Risk Analysis is heavily funded by Dow.

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Hillsdale College

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: In 1999 Hillsdale College received $500,000 for the Herbert H. Dow II Program in American Journalism.

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University of Houston
April 20, 2005

Given to School: $1,832,953.91.
Investments: "The University of Houston System holds approximately 22,400 shares of common stock in Dow Chemical Corporation with a total market value of $1,235,360.00."
Notes: Nearly 200 UH alumni work at Dow; Professor Michael P. Harold, Ph.D., is a Dow Endowed Professor; Dow is a "Partner" in the Industrial Scholars Internship Program through the Cullen College of Engineering.

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University of Illinois, Chicago
January 26, 2007

Given to School: $357,916.04
Investments: "As of December 31st, 2006, the University of Illinois indirectly held, through investments in an index fund, 5,459.69 shares of Dow Chemical Corporation with a valuation of $218,060. This represents the only stock holding of Dow Chemical for the University."

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University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
August 10, 2005

Given to School: $6,599,154.91
Investments: "As of December 31st, 2006, the University of Illinois indirectly held, through investments in an index fund, 5,459.69 shares of Dow Chemical Corporation with a valuation of $218,060. This represents the only stock holding of Dow Chemical for the University."

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Indiana University
March 9, 2006

Given to School: $120,475
Investments: ???

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Arnold Allemang

Kansas State University

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Boardmember Arnold Allemang is a member of the College of Engineering Advisory Council at Kansas State University.

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University of Maryland, College Park
April 12, 2004

Given to School: $384,625
Investments: NO

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Given to School: At least $1,000,000
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow sponsors the Dow Chemical Co. Outstanding Junior Award; The H.H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award, endowed by the Dow Chemical Company Foundation, is one of two awards offered to students engaged in research in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry; Dow is a $1 million donor to MIT’s Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development.

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University of Michigan
April 28, 2005

Given to School: $12,853,419.58
..........College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: $3,193,649.55
..........School of Public Health: $3,193,127.50
..........College of Engineering: $2,013,874.57
..........Ross School of Business: $1,601,538.34
..........School of Natural Resources and the Environment: $1,454,028.84
Investments: NO
Research funded: $17,915,126
Notes: "Strong Partnership"
..........• In a Sept. 19, 2000 press release, the University's News and Information Services spoke of the “strong partnership the University and Dow Chemical have enjoyed over the years not only in financial support but also in research initiatives.” The same press release spoke of the “Exceptional support and partnership over the years” between the University and Dow.
..........“The Dow Chemical Company has been one of our most committed corporate partners,” Business School Dean B. Joseph White said. “We are grateful to Dow - for their generosity, for their support, and for their trust.”

Financial Ties
..........• A $2.5 million gift from the Dow Chemical Company Foundation, used to fund an endowed professorship: The Dow Chemical Company Professor of Sustainable Science, Technology, and Commerce. The professorship is a joint appointment between the UM Business School and SNRE, created with the Sept. 2000 gift. The other $500,000 will support the creation of the Dow Chemical Company Sustainable Research Facility in the Dana Building.
..........• Dow awarded $1.2 million to the UM School of Public Heath in 1996. These funds created a Dow Professorship, focusing on “the health effects, risks and benefits of chemicals in the environment.”
..........• In June 2001, James Baker Jr, MD, was named as the first Ruth Dow Doan Professor of Biological Nanotechnology. The professorship was established in memory of the daughter of the founder of Dow Chemical Company. The professorship was funded, in part, by the Herbert and Junia Doan Foundation and the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation.
..........Zhan Chen is the Dow Corning Assistant Professor of Chemistry.
..........• A 2001 gift of $5 million by the Gerstacker Foundation is helping to fund a new College of Engineering laboratory facility. The new building will be named after Carl Gerstacker, former chairman of Dow Chemical Company. “The gift increases to over $8 million the total amount awarded by the Foundation to U-M's College of Engineering. Past contributions have supported endowments for graduate fellowships and faculty development.”
..........• The Herbert H. Dow Building (1983), home of the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, was a gift of the Herbert H. Dow Foundation and the Harry and Margaret Towsley Foundation. Margaret Towsley was a daughter of Herbert Henry Dow, the founder of the Dow Chemical Company. She founded the Foundation in 1959 with an initial gift of $4 million in Dow Chemical stock.
..........• The Margaret Dow Towsley wing in the Earl V. Moore School of Music on North Campus houses the Stearns Collection of Musical Instruments.
..........Dow supports the Center for Advanced Polymer Engineering Research (CAPER), the Minority Engineering Program Office, the Macromolecular Science and Engineering Center, the Kanicki Group at the University of Michigan Organic and Molecular Electronics Laboratory, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM), the Center for Sustainable Systems, some Chemical Engineering Scholarships, and provides partial funding for third-year Corporate Environmental Management Program students.

Alumni Ties
..........• Approximately 600 alumni are employed by Dow (as of Sept. 2000)
..........• Dow Chemical Company Business President Bob Wood is a UM alumnus.

Administrative Ties
..........Scott Noesen of Dow Chemical is Co-Chair of the External Advisory Board, which oversees the Corporate Environmental Management Program at UM.
..........Harold T. Shapiro was the 10th president of the University of Michigan, serving from 1980 to 1987. He has served on the Board of Directors of Dow Chemical since 1985. The Shapiro Undergraduate Library at UM is named after him.

Sponsorship Ties
..........Dow Chemical co-sponsored the 16th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (2000), the 2002 ASEE Summer School for Chemical Engineering Faculty in Boulder, Colorado, and the “Sustainable Human Development” lecture series in the 1999-2000 school year.

Research and Advisory Ties
..........• The William Davidson Institute of the University of Michigan has recommended growth ideas for Dow in Latin America and developed a credit risk for Dow in SE Asia, among other research and advice. Three UM students were sent to Sao Paulo in the summer of 2000 to conduct research and analysis for Dow, under the auspices of the Davidson Institute.

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Michigan State University
May 2, 2005

Given to School: $10,724,439.62
Investments: NO
Notes: Frank H. Brod, Dow’s VP, Controller and an ex-officio member of the Finance Committee, is a member of the External Accounting Advisory Board at Michigan State. Dow gave the University $326,000 in Sept. 2003 to fund dioxin testing among wildlife in the Tittabawassee River floodplain. Dow gave $5 million to build the Dow Institute for Materials Research, a 46,000-square-foot addition to the east wing of MSU's Engineering Building, in 1996.

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University of Minnesota

Given to School: At least $300,000
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow provided Outreach Program funding to the Chemistry Department; the Dow Chemical Company Foundation was a 2000 donor to the UMN Dept. of Chemistry and a 2001 donor; the Dow Chemical Foundation made a $100,000 donation to the UMN Chemistry Dept. in 2001, which was augmented by additional $100,000 donations in 2002 and 2003 - the “generous donation” was made to help build the new Instrumentation Facility.

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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sept. 16, 2005

Given to School: $252,661.50
Investments: NO

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University of North Texas
July 22, 2005

Given to School: $66,097.50
Investments: NO

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Northwestern University
October 28, 2006

Given to School: $66,097.50
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow funds numerous professorships at NWU (these are a few examples: 1, 2, 3, 4), provides scholarships and fellowships for students (for example this and this) and conducts research there (more information here, here, and here).

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Ohio State University
July 22, 2005

Given to School: $2,164,112.07
Investments: “As of June 30, 2005, the University Endowment Fund held 34,860 shares of Dow Chemical with an approximate market value of $1,550,000.”

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Paul Stern

University of Pennsylvania

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Boardmember Harold Shapiro is a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center at the University of Pennsylvania. Dow Boardmember Paul G. Stern is a Boardmember of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Penn State University
June 30, 2003

Given to School: At least $5.5 million
Investments: ???
Notes: In 2006 Dow gave Penn State $2 million to endow a fund to benefit Penn State's department of chemical engineering -- the largest endowed gift made by a corporation in the University's history. In addition, Dow has designated Penn State a key recruiting university.

"The relationship between Penn State and Dow spans more than four decades, and we are deeply grateful for Dow's generosity," said Penn State President Graham B. Spanier. "It is a testament to the high quality of our programs when major companies like Dow include Penn State in the limited pool from which they recruit."

Penn State receives annual grants from Dow in support of engineering student groups and the Department of Chemical Engineering. Previous philanthropy to Penn State also includes a faculty chair in chemical engineering, support for an interview room in the MBNA Career Services Center, and research projects in agricultural sciences, chemistry, chemical engineering, earth and mineral sciences, and materials research. Dow also is a member of the Institute for the Study of Business Markets in the Smeal College of Business.

Dow sponsored a tailgate party; helped fund the $9.5 million MBNA Career Services Center; corporate donor to the Chemistry Department 2001-2002; sponsor of Women in Engineering Program's (WEP) Girl Scout Saturdays; $6000 renewal grant to support WEP's retention/career development activities; 2000-2001 "Gold" Corporate Partner of WEP - $5000 contribution or above; 2003-2004 "Gold" Corporate Partner of WEP - $5000 contribution or above; 1997 sponsor of Penn State's Visit in Engineering Week (VIEW) Program for high school students of color; 2000 member of the Pennsylvania Housing Research/Resource Center; the College of Health and Human Development is partly funded by the Dow Foundation ; 2002-2005 contributor to the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at Penn State.

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Arnold Allemang

Sam Houston State University

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow Boardmember Arnold Allemang is a member of the President’s Circle at Sam Houston State University.

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University of Texas, Austin
July 8, 2003

Given to School: $4,429,113
..........College of Engineering: $3,445,095
..........College of Natural Sciences: $483,187
..........College of Pharmacy: $165,500
Investments: ??

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Tufts University

Given to School: ???
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow sponsors research at Tufts University.

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University of Washington
June 16, 2003

Given to School: $3,058,535
Investments: 2244 shares in Dow through the Russell 3000 index, the value of which was approximately $71,920 in 2003.

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West Virginia University
November 2, 2001

Given to School: At least $500,000
Investments: ???
Notes: Dow's gift to the WVU Chemical Engineering Department is described here.

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University of Wisconsin, Madison
July 18, 2005

Given to School: ???
Investments: NO

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University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
July 18, 2005

Given to School: $77,881.88
Investments: NO

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The international student campaign to hold Dow accountable for Bhopal, and its other toxic legacies around the world.
For more information about the campaign, or for problems regarding this website, contact
Ryan Bodanyi, the Coordinator of Students for Bhopal.


"The year 2003 was a special year in the history of the campaign for justice in Bhopal. It was the year when student and youth supporters from at least 30 campuses in the US and India took action against Dow Chemical or in support of the demands of the Bhopal survivors. As we enter the 20th year of the unfolding Bhopal disaster, we can, with your support, convey to Dow Chemical that the fight for justice in Bhopal is getting stronger and will continue till justice is done. We look forward to your continued support and good wishes, and hope that our joint struggle will pave the way for a just world free of the abuse of corporate power."

Signed/ Rasheeda Bi, Champa Devi Shukla
Bhopal Gas Affected Women Stationery Employees Union
International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal

This is what the www.studentsforbhopal.org site looked like in early 2008. For more recent information, please visit www.bhopal.net.