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Tulane University

Protesting Dow Officials

On March 1st, 2005, a group of three AID (Association for India’s Development) volunteers from New Orleans Chapter demonstrated non-violent, peaceful protest against DOW Chemicals Co. urging them to take the responsibility to clean up Bhopal from the after effects of Bhopal Gas tragedy that had occurred 20 years ago in India. A representative from Dow Chemical Co., Mr. Ruiz, was speaking at the 2nd Annual Conference on Global Trends in Plastic Packaging Films in New Orleans on March 1st, 2005. On realizing that a Dow Chemical Representative was going to speak at a conference in town, they jumped to grab this opportunity to show their contribution for all those who have been affected by Bhopal Gas Tragedy. In spite of being busy in their work schedules, the group chose to take time off in the middle of the week from work to form a responsible group to voice their feelings for their countrymen who are still experiencing the ill effects of the tragedy.

They were not welcomed at the venue by greetings!! They were asked to leave the premises as the organizers felt it was not the right forum to address the issue, although they felt it was a noble cause. This was an expected response for the group. So these people had to leave the premises but they achieved in putting up posters outside main entrance of Hilton Hotel. They did receive attention from passers-by and other people walking in and out from the hotel. They held the posters for an hour which coincided around the time Mr. Ruiz was making his presentation from Dow Chemical Co.

Under the guidance of Chapter President, AID-New Orleans had also organized a candle light vigil in December, 2004 in Uptown Campus of Tulane University to commemorate 20 years of Bhopal Tragedy which was received with much local attention. AID-New Orleans have also received approval to hold a photo exhibition on Bhopal Gas Tragedy in Dec.2005 at Caroll Art Gallery in Tulane University, New Orleans.

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The international student campaign to hold Dow accountable for Bhopal, and its other toxic legacies around the world.
For more information about the campaign, or for problems regarding this website, contact
Ryan Bodanyi, the Coordinator of Students for Bhopal.


"The year 2003 was a special year in the history of the campaign for justice in Bhopal. It was the year when student and youth supporters from at least 30 campuses in the US and India took action against Dow Chemical or in support of the demands of the Bhopal survivors. As we enter the 20th year of the unfolding Bhopal disaster, we can, with your support, convey to Dow Chemical that the fight for justice in Bhopal is getting stronger and will continue till justice is done. We look forward to your continued support and good wishes, and hope that our joint struggle will pave the way for a just world free of the abuse of corporate power."

Signed/ Rasheeda Bi, Champa Devi Shukla
Bhopal Gas Affected Women Stationery Employees Union
International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal

This is what the www.studentsforbhopal.org site looked like in early 2008. For more recent information, please visit www.bhopal.net.