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University of Chicago

Earth Day Bhopal Discussion

On Earth Day, April 22nd 2004, Ward Morehouse, an author and human rights activist with the Council on International and Public Affairs, and Ryan Bodanyi, the Student Coordinator of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, spoke about Bhopal to a group of approximately 40 students. The talk by Mr. Morehouse, a longtime supporter and activist for the Bhopal campaign, addressed the root causes of corporate power and corporate crime, and the systemic malfunctions of our global capitalist system that allowed the Bhopal disaster to occur. Mr. Bodanyi's remarks focused on the concrete steps that students could take today to remedy the injustice and join the global campaign and student movement for Bhopal. The talk was sponsored by the student group ECO, or Environmental Concerns Organization, and included a free dinner of North Indian food.

Ward Morehouse speaks about the systemic problems of corporate power.

Ryan Bodanyi tells students how to get involved.

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Hunger Strike and Amnesty Speaker

Here at the University of Chicago we had multiple events to mark the 20th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster. On Wednesday December 1, 2004, students from the Environmental Concerns Organization, Green Campus Initiative, South Asian Students Association, Amnesty International and more joined in a 24 hour fast wearing buttons stating: Justice in Bhopal and all black attire. At noon we held a vigil outside on campus holding posters and passing out fliers informing the students, faculty and staff of the Bhopal Chemical Disaster. In the evening we broke fast to enjoy an Indian meal and hear Joe Kirchoff from Amnesty International spoke about Bhopal and corporate responsibility.

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The international student campaign to hold Dow accountable for Bhopal, and its other toxic legacies around the world.
For more information about the campaign, or for problems regarding this website, contact
Ryan Bodanyi, the Coordinator of Students for Bhopal.


"The year 2003 was a special year in the history of the campaign for justice in Bhopal. It was the year when student and youth supporters from at least 30 campuses in the US and India took action against Dow Chemical or in support of the demands of the Bhopal survivors. As we enter the 20th year of the unfolding Bhopal disaster, we can, with your support, convey to Dow Chemical that the fight for justice in Bhopal is getting stronger and will continue till justice is done. We look forward to your continued support and good wishes, and hope that our joint struggle will pave the way for a just world free of the abuse of corporate power."

Signed/ Rasheeda Bi, Champa Devi Shukla
Bhopal Gas Affected Women Stationery Employees Union
International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal

This is what the www.studentsforbhopal.org site looked like in early 2008. For more recent information, please visit www.bhopal.net.